Are you chasing your dreams?
When it comes down to it nobody at all has the right to tell you that you can’t do something or to make you feel that you can’t or that you shouldn't. It is your right as human being to make your own choices. You choose what you want to do. Do what makes you feel fantastic. Follow your own heart, your own dream, not somebody else’s. Make your own choices in life or you will never be happy. You are here on this earth for a reason. Do not waste your time not taking chances because you’re too scared to upset someone or too scared to disappoint loved ones because when it comes down to it you will be the one left with the eternal disappointment of not following your heart and of not following your dreams. Others may forget of your dreams but you never will and you will live the rest of your life in regret. Take control NOW. Take action NOW. This is your life to live. This is your life; love your life and everyday within it. Choose to be happy NOW because you deserve too. It doesn’t matter what you have been told in the past or the made up stories that you have convinced yourself of, that you don’t deserve to be happy. These are all not true. You do deserve all the happiness in the world. Feel the love round you. Feel the joy around you. Feel the love for yourself. This is your life. Take control, live life to the full. Take action to live out your dreams. You deserve to be happy. Choose to be happy NOW.
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You can simple just choose to be happy despite what moods others are in and despite what your reality is around you. You can begin to be happy with your life just by being thankful for it.
With yourself being happy and feeling energised your good mood does rub off on others. Have you heard that smiling is infectious? It is. Smiling is a universal language. It does not matter what language that you talk everyone understands a smile. Try it its fun. I love giving a really big smile to a complete stranger that looks miserable. Most of the time they can’t help but smile back. I love the challenge of making a stranger smile. If there trying really hard to be grumpy when you smile at them then make a statement about the beautiful bright day. Something simple like “What a lovely sunny day!” Or if it’s raining you could state something along the lines of “I love the rain everything looks so much greener!. Don’t give them a choice to answer a question which they’ll proberly answer negative. Always make sure to make statements while your smiling away, then this way they don't have a chance to pass on any negitive energy too you. The idea is to raise their energy a little and sometimes you do a lot. I love it when that little act of kindness of just a smile puts such a big smile on a strangers face.
To me this is self satisfying. I love knowing that I have the power to make a stranger lift their energy levels just by smiling at them.
So right now and everyday be happy for everything in your life.
This starts by looking for things in your life that you are grateful for. Teach yourself to be grateful for everything and all of your experiences. Everyday when you awake remind yourself what you are grateful for and how lucky you are for all that you have.
When you learn to be grateful you will naturally just be happy.
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Be Happy Now
You can simple just choose to be happy despite what moods others are in and despite what your reality is around you. You can begin to be happy with your life just by being thankful for it.
With yourself being happy and feeling energised your good mood does rub off on others. Have you heard that smiling is infectious? It is. Smiling is a universal language. It does not matter what language that you talk everyone understands a smile. Try it its fun. I love giving a really big smile to a complete stranger that looks miserable. Most of the time they can’t help but smile back. I love the challenge of making a stranger smile. If there trying really hard to be grumpy when you smile at them then make a statement about the beautiful bright day. Something simple like “What a lovely sunny day!” Or if it’s raining you could state something along the lines of “I love the rain everything looks so much greener!. Don’t give them a choice to answer a question which they’ll proberly answer negative. Always make sure to make statements while your smiling away, then this way they don't have a chance to pass on any negitive energy too you. The idea is to raise their energy a little and sometimes you do a lot. I love it when that little act of kindness of just a smile puts such a big smile on a strangers face.
To me this is self satisfying. I love knowing that I have the power to make a stranger lift their energy levels just by smiling at them.
So right now and everyday be happy for everything in your life.
This starts by looking for things in your life that you are grateful for. Teach yourself to be grateful for everything and all of your experiences. Everyday when you awake remind yourself what you are grateful for and how lucky you are for all that you have.
When you learn to be grateful you will naturally just be happy.